Back in early April we headed out to get my daughter’s seven year old birthday photos done. This is a tradition I usually do each year. Another year to capture her– her personality, her isms and her growth. This year we headed to the Cheltenham Badlands in the Caledon area. We’ve always wanted to go and check out this place so I’m glad that we finally went.
Just in the past couple of weeks it was announced that the Cheltenham Badlands will remain closed to the public so they can maintain the condition of it and perform studies on it. I’m glad that they are preserving and protecting this place, as its absolutely beautiful. We did our best to contain the kids to the areas they were allowed to be. My older two were in love with this place!
This year I attempted a homemade flower crown and was so excited with how it turned out! There is a super easy tutorial on ClickinMoms which I followed along. I can’t wait until I can make another one!
Another year has past Leah by and it still amazed me that she is seven years old! Time truly does go by quickly and I’m so proud to call this young girl my daughter. She is still my Leah Bedia and she still loves dirt, animals and learning! She has a heart for creative things and yearns for knowledge. I can only hope and pray that she continues to grow into the beautiful young lady I know she will be!