Kitchener Street Photographer – Out & About Downtown Kitchener

This past weekend I had the great privilege of attending ClickinMoms annual ClickinWalk in Kitchener, Ontario.  It was a beautiful sunny morning — although wee bit chilly we had a great time.  It was nice to be able to get out and photograph things I normally don’t photograph.  When I get out its usually with my family and keeping track of three kids is always tricky business and so I don’t often have the time to just observe and carefully photograph.  And so I was super thankful to have this time to be still– to observe and to create art.  Street photography is not something that I do often but I would love to explore this area of photography some more!

And it was also great to meet some other fellow lady photographers who I’ve only known via the virtual world.  It’s good to connect, to learn from one another and to just talk shop!

Here are the first set of my favourite images from my time.  The majority of my images were shot with a super cheap old Nikkor – 28-80mm lens.  I received this when I bought a ton of vintage camera’s, (which I need to post about sometime!) and the seller just popped this lens in for free.  It’s super light weight and it surprises me every time I use it how awesome it actually is!

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Lethbridge County, Alberta

- lethbridge, Calgary, Alberta -

Kristin Sarah Photography

Joyful and beautiful lifestyle family photography, wedding and branding photography for the individuals who are passionate about documenting their story.

