It most certainly is fun being one! Back in October I had a great time shooting Zoey’s one year old photos. Her mom contacted me wanting to document this great milestone in her daughter’s life- and I’m so happy that she did! We headed to Riverdale Park in Alliston, ON. I had so much fun capturing this little girl’s personality. She had smiles, giggles, waves, a few tears and a lot of fun! I love this age and stage in babies– their personalities are really starting to shine and they turn from little beings into little characters- they really learn how to respond with silliness and cuteness. I wish I could freeze this stage– it certainly is one of my favourite stages in babies.
Thank you Lynn, for choosing me to photograph this important event in your daughter’s life. I am excited to share these with you and here are a few of my favourites! Enjoy and remember to leave them some love 🙂
This cute little girl gave me so many great expressions, but this photo was my personal favourite!