Way back when it was warm, we went blueberry picking at Barrie Hill Farms. As parents, we have committed to teaching our kids where their food comes from. And so with the changing of seasons and the abundance of fresh produce, we set out this past summer to collect a lot of it ourselves. We went strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, apple and bean picking this year. Thank you to a very generous friend for letting us pick raspberries and beans from her farm! Our freezer this fall has been filled with so much local goodness! And we also made sure to get our asparagus, peaches, corn, and pickles from local farmers. Our tomatoes and peppers we were able to get from our own garden this year! Can you tell how much I love the spring/summer season?! Nothing beats local and fresh Ontario produce.
Here is a collection of a few of our blueberry picking adventure. Juggling three kids, a camera and blueberries can be busy so we took our friend Kathryn along! We had a great morning out together and I really enjoyed photographing our morning at Barrie Hill!