Back in September when I knew it was coming that my little boy would soon be transitioning into a big bed, I captured him getting up from a nap in his crib. This particular afternoon the light was streaming in his room ever so beautiful. I love the look of my baby boys sleepy eyes whenever he wakes up from naps. And this little boy usually wakes up ever so cute and ever so happy from his naps. He has two loves when he sleeps his blankie and his puppy, life cannot happen for him without these two constants. He does this thing where he puts his puppy to his nose or lips and just sucks on his mouth. He never ever took a soother but this is is way of comforting himself.
We are almost a week into transitioning into and a big bed and I must say it was a pretty painless transition. My little boy is growing up and he looks so big in his big bed! But I’m so glad to have these memories of him still being little 🙂