I have a confession to make, this past month I’ve been keeping a bit of a secret! And I’m going to let you in on it or rather – show you! Last year I came across the world of Video Storytelling and found the very talented Emily of Everyday Films. Once I saw that she graciously teaches others the art of video, I knew I had to sign up. And so I waited patiently (or not so patiently!) and signed up for her class earlier this winter.
It was awesome! It was a lot of work and I’m still working through reading- re-reading and watching some of the tutorials but I have learned a ton. I have a long ways to go yet in learning more about video but I know basics – like how to use my camera for video, how to edit and put together a video! It was a lot of fun!
When I was younger my parents owned a video camera — I guess we were a pretty high-tech family for that time because I didn’t know any other family with a video camera at that time 🙂 . And my dad would carry this huge contraption on his shoulder (something like the size of a toaster- just a bit skinnier!) and he would record us at family gatherings, our birthday parties and just our regular every day. And I loved it- I love being able to see that play back of what we did that day. Now its been a number of years since I’ve seen any of those videos but I know it would be awesome to see and hear what we were like at that time in our lives!
And that’s what drew me to the art of video story-telling. Still frames are of course my first passion and I love freezing time and capturing that exact moment, but there is something magical about capturing a video. And to see it all come together at the end was the best part!
So introducing my first ever 3 minute film!! It’s not perfect, but nothing in life is. But its my life and these are my lovies. This is my family.
Peereboom Family – Final Project 2016 from Kristin Peereboom on Vimeo.