One Year Later – Reflections – Lethbridge Family Photographer

One year really does pass by in the blink of an eye! We have been living in Lethbridge, Alberta, for over a year now! It’s still kind of surreal to me that we are here. What started as a thought a year and half ago quickly turned into a job offer, moving dates, and packing boxes. Now here we are our first year under our belts. To say that it all has been roses and daisy’s would be a lie. While there have been many blessings and joys, there has also been a moments of sadness and heartache. 

We miss our family and wish we could have taken them with us! But as with all of our times away from family in the past, you learn to make family where you are planted. Over the years we have left ‘family’ all over the country! We’ve really made some great friendships in Lethbridge over this year and we are so incredibly grateful for those people have let us into our lives!

I grew up watching the Canadian show Heartland. In my mind, Alberta was all rolling hills, lots of trees, and mountain views every which way you could turn. When we got to Lethbridge, I was kind of shocked to learn that is not the case! In reality, we pretty much live in a desert! But one thing that I can appreciate, with the lack of rain comes LOTS of sunny days. For a girl who struggled with the dark, rainy days, all this sunshine fills my soul with happiness!

I’ve been needing some good family photos for a long while now. On our last trip to Waterton, I attempted to create some of my own family images by setting up my tripod and self timer and running to be in the photos. While these photos did really turn out great, it was a STRUGGLE to coordinate it all. Can you tell from the photos who gave me the most grief?! I’ll give you a hint, it was the spicy and sweet smallest child 🙂

Here’s to all the memories made in a year here in Lethbridge, Alberta and here’s to all the memories to come! We are so grateful that God opened the doors and made a way for us to be here. We really feel we are coming into who we called to be. I can say with confidence that I feel a strong sense of belonging. In so many ways this move has allowed us to heal, to come into our own, and come to a point of processing everything that occured in the last number of years. But more to come on that in my new writing endeavor over on Substack!


Lethbridge County, Alberta

- lethbridge, Calgary, Alberta -

Kristin Sarah Photography

Joyful and beautiful lifestyle family photography, wedding and branding photography for the individuals who are passionate about documenting their story.

