Last June I was able to travel to New York City with my mom for a quick trip. While we were able to do a bit of sightseeing in the short two days we were there, the reason for the trip for myself was to ride on a bus full with kids! I was invited to come along to help chaperone a bus full of kids from the city who were traveling to the rural areas of Southern Ontario. This program called Fresh Air Fund is an amazing program! My mom is one of the regional coordinators and was volunteering her time to bring a bus of kids to the Niagara area. Every summer, kids from the city have the opportunity to live with a host family for a week or two and experience a couple of weeks in the country. Friendships are formed and memories are made- its truly an awesome experience for everyone!
Our first day in the city we logged over 19,000 steps on the FitBit! We did a ton of walking exploring Times Square, visiting Grand Central Station, walking the Brooklyn Bridge and just taking in the sights. We mastered the subway and the many flights of stairs!
Every morning we got our breakfast from this little shop just down the street from our hotel. It had a hot table and cold table filled with many selections to get us started on our day. We frequented here for lunch too- it was so yummy and affordable for NYC!
One of our days we spent at the American Museum of Natural History. We could have easily spent more time there as we moved through it fairly quickly. Our last night we did some more walking and ended up walking through a portion of Central Park but at dusk my mom said we had to go since the we were frequently seeing more and more rats– lol, she doesn’t like rats! We capped off that night with a huge piece of chocolate cheese cake and wine for myself!
It was a good trip– I’m pretty sure this was the first trip I have ever taken with just my mom! I’m so excited for this upcoming year as I’m traveling to Iceland & Amsterdam in May and then Nova Scotia in July and back to Iceland in October! It’s going to be awesome! And I’m hoping to do some shoots in Iceland and maybe Amsterdam so I’d love to hear from you if you are planning any travel in those areas as well!