I’ve been photographing the Tuininga family for 3 years now. But really we’ve been good friends since our seminary days (about 8 years ago now!). They were our across the courtyard neighbours. But now we are separated by a 3.5 hour drive but every year we get together to not only spend time visiting with one another but also capturing some photos as well.
You may recognize April from this blog post. Their family has an incredible story of beautiful grace through fertility, adoption, pregnancy and embryo adoption. Hearing how God has worked his hand in their lives leaves me marvelling at His great works. God is good, all the time.
Little Lucas celebrated his first birthday earlier this month so I spent a bit of time with them capturing his little personality. He is a cutie and definitely knows how to work his charm. These sessions are some of my most favourite sessions! We went to one of my favourite spots to go with little ones, Riverdale Park in Alliston. Its such a versatile place as not only are their great picture spots- we can have fun while we are there! At the end we broke out a birthday cake for a cake smash and he wanted no part in it! It was fun to see him not dig in and cautiously eye the cake! That’s okay the other kids (and adults!) got the enjoy the cake too!
Here are a few of my favourites from our session together! It was so hard to narrow down since this boy is so cute!! If you are interested in capturing a one year birthday milestone session for your child, I’d love to hear from you!